Definition of String bean

1. Noun. Green beans with strings that must be removed.

Generic synonyms: Green Bean

Definition of String bean

1. Noun. A long, slender variety of green bean. ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively) A tall and thin person. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of String Bean

striking out
striking through
string along
string band
string bands
string bean
string beans
string cheese
string course
string distance
string distances
string ensemble
string hoppers
string instrument
string instruments
string line
string of beads
string of words
string orchestra
string orchestras

Literary usage of String bean

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Plant World by Plant World Association, Wild Flower Preservation Society (U.S.) (1910)
"The stringless string-bean, as a commercial product, was evolved only after most painstaking and laborious efforts. For a long time the string was supposed ..."

2. The MAGAZINE of Horticulture, Botany, and All Useful Discoveries and (1864)
"An excellent string bean, but not early, and badly affected by drought. 15. ... A well known variety, excellent either as a string bean, for shelling, ..."

3. Laboratory Manual of Biology by George William Hunter, Morris Crawford Valentine (1906)
"string bean. Materials.—A quantity of entire young pods; cross- sections; pods opened along the dorsal suture; some older pods dry enough to show dehiscence ..."

4. Laboratory Manual of Biology by George William Hunter, Morris Crawford Valentine (1906)
"string bean. Materials.—A quantity of entire young pods; cross- sections ; pods opened along the dorsal suture; some older pods dry enough to show ..."

5. Europe Revised by Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb (1914)
"CHAPTER VIH A TALE OF A STRING-BEAN IT was at a small dinner party in a home out in Passy—which is to Paris what Flat- bush is to Brooklyn—that the event ..."

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